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Blog Posts

HVAC Tips For Allergy Season

Spring has nearly arrived, which for most people represents a welcome change in weather and longer…

Misplaced Thermostats May Affect Hampton Roads Energy Bills

A common issue for many homeowners is that their HVAC thermostats are placed in the wrong…

How to Troubleshoot Partial Power Outages at Home

When it comes to electrical power, most people don’t pay a lot of attention to it…

Lighting Tips for the Holidays

Putting up indoor and outdoor lights is a popular tradition this time of year.

Why Does My Toilet Keep Clogging?

If you have a toilet that continually becomes clogged, no matter what you try, it is…

You Might be Ready for Summer, but is Your Air Conditioner?

The weather is warming up and summer will be here before we know it.

When Your Water Isn’t As Hot As It Used To Be

If your water just isn’t as hot as it used to be, it may be due…

Help! I Keep Tripping my Circuit Breaker!

The purpose of your circuit breaker tripping is to help your home avoid hazard and electrical…